Sunday, April 5, 2015

Forming Teams for WSSEF-2016 - Last call

Dear Parents and Students,

I am finalizing Science fair project teams for 2016.
These are the 3 team segments available:

  • Primary Teams (Team Projects in Grades 1 to 3)
  • Intermediate Teams (Team Projects in Grades 4 to 6) 
  • Junior Teams (Team Projects in Grades 7 to 8)

 Please get back to me by email with the following info by 10.00 PM tomorrow - ie., Monday - 4/6/2015

  • Name of the Student:
  • Name of the school:
  • Student's Grade in SEPTEMBER-2015 :
  • Parent's Contact Number:

Look FW to working with you all the next 11 months (April-2015 thru' March-2016)

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