Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Solar car team - Please note:

Solar car team:

The solar car kit finally arrived. It is with Arya.
Please gather at Arya's house this Saturday 9/20 at Noon and Arya's dad is willing to explain a few things like gears and axles, etc. Please meet up with Arya.


Friday, September 12, 2014

GET SET Seattle Meeting # 7 Sep-13-2014 at Bellevue Library

Venue: Bellevue Library    From : 12.00 Noon   To: 2.00 PM

   1) Discuss project status
   2) Order materials/equipments/search for High school labs
   3) Journal review
   4) Meet Subject Matter experts
   5) Tri-fold board - Overview What goes on it?
   6) Judges Eval Sheet - From the WSSEF website
  7) Paperwork to be filled in for WSSEF

See you all there,

Monday, September 8, 2014

GET SET Seattle Meeting # 6 Sep-08-2014 via SKYPE

Meeting Minutes:

Beet Root Antioxidant Properties Team
1) Discussed the various options to buy the apparatus.
2) Home VS High School lab option
3) WSSEF - paper work
4) When to order Daphnia from Carolina Biological4
5) Number of Trials (Pref 3)
6) Visiting a local natual supplements store and get to know other anti-oxidants in the market

Solar Car Team
1) The current model after assembly is having issues
2) Buy another model or repair the current model
3) Journal Notes

1) Guidance on the Project notes and what goes in the journal
2) Time to order the kit from the Chem Ed Society
3) A new team mate possible.